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Macos Does Time Machine Backup Apps

by milbalundes1974 2021. 7. 4.

Time Machine in macOS can work within a number of apps, letting you retrieve older versions of files or even deleted email messages in the Mail app. However, if an entire folder of stuff goes away.

Time Machine is a great tool that automatically makes backups of your Mac onto an external drive. What's really great about it is that it's built into macOS itself, so every Mac comes with it automatically. It's fairly simple to set up, and after that, you don't even need to worry about it. But if you want to, you can customize your Time Machine experience to your particular needs.

What is Time Machine?

Time Machine is Apple's built-in solution for backing up macOS. You can connect an external hard drive over USB or Thunderbolt (or FireWire, for older Macs) for a wired connection, or over a network for a wireless connection. Time Machine backs up every hour, deleting older backups as the backup drive starts running out of space.

It's a great first layer to any backup solution, and it's included right in the operating system.

Getting started with Time Machine

First, the basics. Get Time Machine set up, then learn about how you can choose what's backed up, how to restore from Time Machine, how to encrypt backups, and more.


CleanMyMac X

CleanMyMac X will help you get rid of gigabytes worth of unused old files, quickly and easily go through your browsing history, and more. Not only that, but once you download all your new apps from the Mac App Store, CleanMyMac X will help you keep track of them -- so you can delete the ones that aren't helpful to you.

Digging in to Time Machine

Macos Backup Notes

Macos time machine restore

So you've got everything set up and you know the basics of Time Machine. But there are some advanced steps that you should know about.

Any other questions?

Macos Does Time Machine Backup Apps Free

If you have any additional questions about getting started with or using Time Machine, let us know in the comments.

Updated May 2020: Up-to-date for macOS Catalina.

macOS Catalina


What Does Time Machine Backup

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Macos Time Machine Server

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